
Animal Husbandary

Livestock plays an important role in the Rural Economy of the State. The contribution of the Livestock sector in the Net State Domestic Product is about 13%. The State Government is providing highest priority for the removal of poverty and creation of Self Employment Opportunities to the Rural masses. Animal Husbandry activities have attained importance as they create Self Employment Opportunities as well as Subsidiary Occupation to the weaker section of the society.

With view to increase the production of various Livestock Products like milk, eggs, wool and meat etc. , Animal Husbandry Department has chalked out an ambitious program for the development of various species of Livestock . The Milk Production and Egg Production in the State has already made commendable achievement and per capita availability of Milk and Eggs in Punjab State is highest in the Country. Efforts are still going on to further increase Milk Production and other major Livestock Products in the State by providing Scientific Breeding Technique and Effective Health Cover.

The main objectives of the Department are as under :-

  • To improve the Genetic Potential of the Livestock through Scientific Breeding.
  • To provide Efficient and Effective Health Cover to the Livestock Wealth of the State.
  • To provide Improved Feeding and Management Practices.
  • To provide Effective Extension Services in the field of Animal Husbandry.